Article No :: KB00021
Below script will export the Windows Installed Drive Space information i.e. total drive space and free space as well as Server Uptime from the list of given servers. Later, it will compile the data into an HTML format and sends that Report Over the Mail.
Prerequisite Required
1) Remote Execution Policy should be enabled.
2) The account running the script or scheduled task should have the appropriate permissions on each server to fetch the information and send the email.
3) Update the "Global Values" into the script as per your environment.
4) Knowledge of Microsoft Windows Server and PowerShell require to understand the script and schedule the same from task manager.
Note: Please test the script in your test environment before executing into the production environment.
Copy the below script into notepad and save it with the filename "Get-UptimeReport.ps1".
(Due to limited space and my limited knowledge to display script into a webpage, the script might be shown distorted into the webpage.)
You can also download the script from my GitHub Repository.
Get Windows Installed Drive Space information and Server Uptime from a list of servers, then compiles the data in HTML format and sends that Report Over Mail.
This scripts will export the Windows Installed Drive Space information i.e. total drive space and free space as well as Server Uptime from the list of given servers. Later, compiles the data into an HTML format and sends that Report Over the Mail.
Requires PS v4. Tested against Windows 2012, 2012 R2 and 2016 servers
PS C:\> Get-UptimeReport.ps1
All options are set as variables in the GLOBALS section so you simply run the script.
1) Remote Execution of script should be enabled.
2) The account running the script or scheduled task obviously must have the appropriate permissions on each server.
3) Create below folder hierarchy in any drive, where you will run this script
4) SMTP Server information
5) Author Information
Script NAME : Get-UptimeReport.ps1
AUTHOR : Avijit Dutta
CREATED : 31/Jan/2020
Website :
Disclaimer : You can use this Script as a reference and can modify as per your need.
############################### GLOBALS Values ################################
################################ Server Listing ##################################
## Provide all the Server hostname into this variable. There are multiple ways to put the server information. I preferred manually. I will mentioned other ways as well.
## 1) Manual-Server List
$ServerList = 'server1','server2','server3'
## Fetch all the enabled Server account from Active Directory and put it into $Serverlist Variable
# $ServerList = Get-ADComputer -Filter {(OperatingSystem -like "*windows*server*") -and (Enabled -eq "True")} -Properties OperatingSystem
## Put the server hostname from the .TXT File.
# $ServerList = get-content -Path "Path of the .TXT File"
############################ Set the Output Directories############################
## Output Directory Path and Filename of the Exported data
$HTMLReportDIR = "E:\Script\UptimeReport\01_HTML_Report\" # Directory Path for HTML Report
$BackupLocationDIR = "E:\Script\UptimeReport\02_BackupLocation\" # Directory Path for the Backup of the File
$ZIPReportDIR = "E:\Script\UptimeReport\03_ZIP_Report\" # Directory path to ZIP the file
$ScriptDIR = $HTMLReportDIR, $ZIPReportDIR, $BackupLocationDIR
## Check if the above path exists or not, if not it will automatically create the same.
Foreach ($DIR in $ScriptDIR)
if(!(Test-Path -Path $DIR )){
New-Item -ItemType directory -Path $DIR
Write-Host "Folder created"
Write-Host "Folder already exists"
# Output file name with current date and time.
$OutputFile = "E:\Script\UptimeReport\01_HTML_Report\UptimeReport_$(get-date -f yyyy-MM-dd-HHmm).htm"
######################### Get Current Date and Time #############################
# Get the current date and Time
$DateTime = Get-Date -f F
########################## For Logging and Debugging ###########################
# Optional - To create transcript - change to $true to turn on. This will log all the activity
$CreateTranscript = $false
# Start Transcript if $CreateTranscript variable above is set to $true.
$scriptDir = Split-Path -Parent $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path
if( -not (Test-Path ($scriptDir + "\Transcripts"))){New-Item -ItemType Directory -Path ($scriptDir + "\Transcripts")}
Start-Transcript -Path ($scriptDir + "\Transcripts\{0:yyyyMMdd}_Log.txt" -f $(get-date)) -Append
########################## Main Script with HTML Codding ########################
$HTML = '<style type="text/css">
#TSHead body {font: normal small sans-serif;}
#TSHead table {border-collapse: collapse;background-color:#3f3d3d;}
#TSHead th {font-family: Verdana;font-size:80%;padding: 10px 10px;text-align: Justify-all;border: 1px solid #3f3d3d;background-color:#7FB1B3;}
#TSHead td {font-family: Verdana;font-size:70%;padding: 5px;text-align: justify-all;border: 1px solid #3f3d3d;}
# Report Header
$Header = "<H5 Align=left><font face=Arial>Date & Time :: $datetime </font></H5>"
$Header1 = "<H2 Align=center><font face=Arial>Server Uptime and Windows Drive Space Report</font></H2>"
$HTML += "<HTML><BODY><Table border=2 cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0 width=100% id=TSHead class=sortable>
<TH><B>Server Hostname</B></TH>
<TH><B>Audit Date</B></TH>
<TH><B>Windows Drive</B></TH>
<TH><B>Total Size (GB)</B></TH>
<TH><B>Free Space (GB)</B></TH>
<TH><B>Last Reboot Time</B></TH>
Foreach($Server in $ServerList)
$os = Get-WmiObject win32_OperatingSystem -computername $Server
$reboot = Get-CimInstance Win32_OperatingSystem -ComputerName $Server
$DriveInfo = Get-WMIObject Win32_Logicaldisk -filter "deviceid='$($os.systemdrive)'" -ComputerName $server | Select @{Name="Drive Letter";Expression={$_.DeviceID}},@{Name="Total Size (GB)";Expression={$_.Size/1GB -as [int]}},@{Name="Free Space (GB)";Expression={[math]::Round($_.Freespace/1GB,2)}}
$RebootTime = New-TimeSpan -Start $Reboot.LastBootUpTime -End $DateTime | Select-Object @{Label = "Last Reboot Time"; Expression = {$Reboot.LastBootUpTime}},Days,Hours,Minutes,Seconds
# HTML Table values
$HTML += "<TR>
<TD>$($DriveInfo.'Drive Letter')</TD>
<TD>$($DriveInfo.'Total Size (GB)')</TD>
<TD>$($DriveInfo.'Free Space (GB)')</TD>
<TD>$($RebootTime.'Last Reboot Time')</TD>
$HTML += "<H2></Table></BODY></HTML>"
$Header + $Header1 + $HTML | Out-File $OutputFile
################## Zip the export file and send the same over email ##################
## Command will now copy the file from "01_HTML_Report" folder to Backup Location.
Copy-Item -Path $OutputFile -Destination "E:\Script\UptimeReport\02_BackupLocation"
## Now we will ZIP the report and copy the same into 03_ZIP_Report folder
$ZIPSource = "E:\Script\UptimeReport\02_BackupLocation"
$ZIPDestination = "E:\Script\UptimeReport\03_ZIP_Report\UptimeReport_$(get-date -f yyyy-MM-dd-HHmm).zip"
If(Test-path $ZIPDestination) {Remove-item $ZIPDestination}
Add-Type -assembly ""
[io.compression.zipfile]::CreateFromDirectory($ZIPSource, $ZIPDestination)
######################### SMTP Settings for Email Report ##########################
## Specify the "From" email address
$EmailFrom = ""
## Specify the "To" email address/addressess
$EmailTo1 = ""
$EmailTo2 = ""
$EmailTo3 = ""
$EmailTo4 = ""
$EmailTo5 = ""
## Specify the "CC" email address/addressess
$EmailCC = ""
## Specify the Subject of the email
$EmailSubject = "Server Uptime Report :: Dated :: $(get-date -f yyyy-MM-dd)"
## Specify the Body of the email
$EmailBody = @"
<body style="font-family: Arial; font-size: 11pt;">
Dear All,<br></br>
Please find attached Server Uptime and Windows Installed Drive Space Information - Dated :: $(get-date -f yyyy-MM-dd).<br></br>
Server Team</br>
$attachment = $ZIPDestination
$SMTPServer = ""
$SMTPPort = "25"
$Message = New-Object System.Net.Mail.MailMessage
$Message.From = $EmailFrom
$Message.Body = $EmailBody
$message.Subject = $EmailSubject
$attach = new-object Net.Mail.Attachment($attachment)
$message.IsBodyHTML = $true
$SMTPClient = New-Object Net.Mail.SmtpClient($SmtpServer, $SMTPPort)
## Below command will delete the extra file from Backup Location.
Get-ChildItem “E:\Script\UptimeReport\02_BackupLocation” -recurse -include *.htm -force | remove-item
################# END OF SCRIPT (© #######################
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